After almost 30 years in telecommunications management, Buck Dopp retired to write full time. His non-fiction features frequently appear in "Today's News-Herald," and "Havasu...Arizona's Coastal Life," both are published by River City Newspapers, LLC, Lake Havasu City, Arizona. His short fiction was published in six editions of "Oasis Journal" by Imago Press, Tucson, Arizona. Dopp has written two novels, "Second Wind," a military romance dedicated to veterans and a crime novel, "Kingpin and Eli." Both are available in paperback and Kindle versions on He's the past president of the Lake Havasu City Writers Group, which has published his stories in multiple editions of their anthology, "Offerings from the Oasis." Buck has been happily married to Stephanie, his wife of 48 years. They live in Lake Havasu City with their Labrador Retriever, Caleb. He describes himself as a follower of Jesus Christ, an avid chess player and an aspiring pool shark.